2018 Gold Challenge


I made a decision earlier this year.  One I completely dismissed when it was first mentioned around Christmas time by my sister-in-law. A decision to run 1000 miles in 2018. I mean, who really runs that much? Some quick math shows it works out to be about 20 miles a week.

I can’t remember running that many miles in one week ever…outside of maybe training for a half. But, yet here I am.  To say running is a passion is a stretch but I do it (see here for why). I’m always looking for ways to keep it fresh.  So I gave the 1000 mile challenge a second thought.


I love to run emblem

Courtesy of Ilovetorun.org

In comes Ilovetorun.org. They have 4 challenges for 2018.  1000 miles, 1500 miles, or 2000 miles in 2018 or 100 miles in one month. I chose the 1000 miles. It began January 1 and runs through December 31. Participants are able to run and/or walk. It’s not about being fast or athletic but rather making the commitment and reaching your goal. I’m grateful for that because I don’t run for speed.

The site has users register an account and join a challenge. You can track your own miles or import them from your favorite running app. You can join for free and pay to register for a finisher’s package with either a medal, medal plus shirt, or medal, shirt and key chain.

The best part in my opinion is the Facebook group. I call them my FB running family.  It’s a closed group made up of runners who are participating in the 2018 challenge. Runners of all types and those who have registered for any of the 4 challenges.  They are very supportive and my go-to group for questions on pace, motivation, music and more.  There are some wonderful characters here (one was featured on UA Victory Story series!) full of the same determination, strength, struggles,grit and humor that make us all runners.

My Challenge

As of the writing of this post, I am 288 miles in. I came in a little late to the challenge in the third week of January with about 11 miles YTD.  I’m quite proud of this effort although I haven’t met my weekly 20 miles each week but most weeks.  In fact, I’m in the process of making up miles from last week.

It has been a bit of a challenge.  To put things in perspective, I ran just over 500 miles last year. I thought that was a lot at the time! I’m personally struggling with feeling lethargic and having little to no energy to run.  It wanes over time.  I’m trying to somewhat monitor my sleep and nutrition to see if there’s any factors causing this.  It could be that I’m still adjusting to the increased mileage and my body needs more rest.

Nevertheless, I’ve made the commitment and when 2018 closes, I’d love to be able to say I ran 1000 miles (even if there’s a little walking involved…haha). My plan is to share my journey along the way so you can celebrate with me! I’m on track to hit 300 miles by Sunday!

I hope you’ll join me and perhaps consider joining the challenge yourself.  Or create your own personal challenge and share it with me so I can cheer along beside you.  Whatever you decide…


Go. Run. Fitness anywhere – Jen