Now, you must have figured out or will soon enough; I’m not all about running. So I thought I would take an opportunity once a week to touch on some running and non-running articles, life style pieces and such.
It’s week 14 and it has been a good running week! I ran with a running buddy on Thursday. It really seemed to push me and my pace was extremely improved. It carried through to my next run on Saturday and I actually did even better! Woo hoo. I’m 32% through my goal to reach 1000 miles for 2018.
It’s now May and I have a new personal challenge. A 31 day squat, lunge and push-up plan. The plan starts with 10 each on day one. It’s simple in that increases each exercise by one every day. By the end of the plan you’ll be up to 40 each with a total of 420 reps over the month.
I’m taking a different kind of challenge this month also. A gratitude challenge. A challenge to list at least one thing you are grateful for each day. My list so far includes the simplicity of my comfy bed I get to enjoy and the complexity of being grateful for living in such a place that allows a person to pursue their dreams with their own determination, strength and fortitude.
What are some things you are grateful for? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
Go. Run. Fitness Anywhere – Jen