Everyone struggles with motivation from time to time. Usually that’s where discipline helps overcome a lack of motivation. I heard once that just because we don’t “feel” like doing something doesn’t mean we don’t do it. Sometimes action comes first and motivation follows.

What’s working right now?

  • Good music – I can’t tell you how much good music or the right music makes a difference for me. It helps the time pass and keeps me thinking about something other than the run itself. Find what works for you. Upbeat, fast paced with lyrics I can sing to is my preference. I know others who like EDM with just the beats and no lyrics. I’ve been listening to NF exclusively on my runs for 3-4 months. I finally switched it up to some music I was listening to previously, but NF is my default at the moment.
  • Training Plan – Having a training plan in place has also helped keep me moving. Knowing there’s a plan with a goal attached to it is one less distraction or stress. There’s no thinking involved.
  • Goal & Tracking – Having a goal is a big motivator and tracking your steps to that goal is so fun! I created a running log/journal for myself. Coloring in the boxes with the miles I have covered is a nice visual aid on what I’ve accomplished. I love filling in the boxes.

These are the main things that help motivate me to run. Need more tips? Find several here. Do you have something that works for you? Tell me about it in the comments!

Go. Run. Fitness anywhere.