Interval Training – What? Why? Where? When? Who?


Most of us are probably familiar with Interval Training. It’s a series of alternating fast paced intervals with slower, rest periods. As a casual runner, it has never really been on my radar until recently. After setting goals and seeing that maybe I was able to run faster than I thought in the past, I tried it. I use Runkeeper Go ( a subscription service) and it creates a training program for me. I set my parameters and Voila! Instant Plan.


Why do I do this? Well, it’s made me faster! I never was interested in speed because frankly running is hard enough already right?!? Why worry with being fast? It meant I didn’t push as hard. But when I saw my base line pace getting faster, I realized that drive was in there and just needed a little coaxing! Plus it keeps things interesting. We all know running on a treadmill can be monotonous. This breaks things up and keeps you thinking.


I find it’s easier to do on a treadmill. I suppose you could do it at a track also, or even on an outside run but I really prefer the treadmill. It helps keep me on pace and not trying to judge distance and speed, etc. It’s all on the screen for me.


I use the training program part of Runkeeper and just do it as scheduled. It’s mixed in with regular temp runs, relaxed runs and long runs. I may adjust during the week to accommodate for being on the treadmill vs running outside but you get the idea.


I think interval training will work for anyone, not just experienced runners. It helps to motivate, strengthen and improve your run which everyone wants.

If you would like to get started running, check out some of my posts here.

Have you tried interval training? Tell me about your experience in the comment section.

Go. Run. Fitness anywhere.